Friday 15 January 2010

Evidence of chaos

Well well....

HM Revenue and Customs failed to answer about 44 million phone calls last year

Despite employing the equivalent of 10,500 full-time staff at a cost of £233m, it still failed to pick up 43% of the 103 million calls received.

Thats because half of them can't speak English and the other half can't be bothered to answer the phone. Imagine... You go to work, your phone rings and you only answer it half of the time.

If you worked in the Private Sector, how quickly do you think you'd be issued your P45?

I know I know, perhaps what we should do is take that model and transpose it over other Gov't Organisations... The Police lets say. Would anything happen then? a few people might die... some people would lose some posessions, but its cool, they're still getting paid.

....we've committed to answering 90% of our calls, the industry standard, at 30% less cost by March 2012.

If you can't answer 43% of your calls now, how do you propose you will answer 90% of the same volume with calls for 30% less cost (AKA less staff)?

I have an Idea.. Indian Call Centres! Its not too much of a stretch to imagine that happening is it?

So now we have 90% of the calls being answered, by people who can barely speak English (Oddly they can fully understand what you say?!), BUT your call was answered.

(And no I'm not racist).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yep because they have worked out that on average 43% of the calls are people trying to claim money back.