Thursday 14 January 2010

New Policies

Woe betide I should be in control of this Green and Pleasant Land, because there'd be some pretty swift and unrepenting changes that would take place.

I direct your attention here, to the public spending figures for 2009. Lets focus if you will, on the Welfare expenditure:

96.5 Billion Pounds.............. A frankly, astonishing figure. Even taking into account the stark increase in Unemployment, that would still only shave a few Billion off the total.

My first act, would be to introduce this new policy to shake up the welfare system:

Policy 1:
You're pregnant? Your problem.

It seems to me that to deal with the absolute travesty of young teens getting pregnant to get themselves a nice free flat courtesy of the tax payer, that there should be a policy to deal with these first rate slags. Who knows? maybe there'll even be a drop in STDs (hah i bet there wouldn't!)

I mean, who would believe that there are people who aspire to grow up and get pregnant by 16 1/2, get a letter from "Trace' " aka Mum to live in a taxpayer funded property (like Trace'), live on meagre handouts (courtesy of the taxpayer) and look forward to "poppin out anuvver one" in order to get a "pay rise"?

but they do.

Its about time Our tax monies are no longer wasted on slovenly, grubby, weed smoking, teen mother layabouts. 
Why the fuck should I pay for other people's children? I can't even afford to have any of my own!


Well firstly that wouldn't work because we're married and I would have to support her. No, instead, we work, we pay our mortgage and buy those things that any working person wants....

So lets look at the highlights of this policy:

  • Parents would be made legally responsible for their child and new grandchild(ren)
  • No new digs for the "happy family" until tax has been paid into the system for a minimum period (I'll set an arbitrary time value of say, 4 years)
  • The father will be held financially responsible for the new child(ren). If no father is submitted on the birth certificate, the parents of the mother will assume this burden (I'm sure they'll be pleased)
  • The mother will recieve state funded re-education to help her find work
  • The mother will have a slightly higher tax free amount on her earnings (to take into account the cost of raising a child)
  • The father will recieve nothing.
  • The "family unit" (should it exist) will recieve subsidised childcare to help them to aquire work.
It seems Draconian, but actually, No.

For far too long the inhabitants of this country have been allowed to live the easy life, living off the majority of the populations tax contributions.

This policy would go hand in hand with my next policy: 

Policy 2:

Asylum? Sorry we're Full.

Now, where would you like to go?

It really is as simple as that. It seems far too tidy that the influx of asylum seekers we get in this country did not stop in any other country, during their trip from their original location.

Well then quite simply, goodbye.

Policy 3:
Unemployment Benefits - sure, however, No recourse to public funds until tax has been paid into the system for a minimum of 4 years.

My wife is a foreigner, from outside the EEC. After we were married and her Temporary Leave to Remain Visa was granted, I looked at the words printed across the top: No Recourse to public funds. Fuck you I thought. My wife pays money into the tax system in this country, and as such, should be subject to the same support as the freeloaders and the EEC migrant workers. So as she wasn't (and now is, not that it has stopped her working and paying into this economy), it seems only fair to institute this policy more generally i.e. For everyone. As we can't have separate laws for EEC Migrants and UK residents (which is fair), lets save ourselves the hassle, and frankly the money, and institute this policy.

Well... all of them

End Trans --

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