Thursday 14 January 2010

Time for a change

There is indeed a shroud of darkness combined with the unforgettable stench of bullshit that is hanging over these fair Isles and these two criminals are largely responsible.

Their unflinching resolve to bring this country to war in the midst of wild and unfathomable public over-spending, not to mention a catalogue of other catastrophic failures leaves the majority of the UK citizens (those with the mental capacity to have an understanding of what is going on) scratching our heads in disbelief as we learn, for instance, that to bring this country out of recession, we will infact, be taxed further.

The Communist Party (AKA New Labour) has managed, once again, to completely destroy any shred of credibility the UK had on the international stage. I could go into numerous examples but we can tackle these in posts to come.

End Trans --


Anonymous said...

New Labour AKA Goat Felchers

Anonymous said...

The sooner those dysfunctional mentally, impaired turds are removed from power the sooner common sense may prevail

Labours, Education Education Eductaion said...

yeah yeah yeah, wot wot wot, nah nah bruv I is nuff clever yooof